Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mission Statement

In the time leading up to our departure for NZ we had countless conversations with people about the adventure we planned to take. So many times did we give reasons for our decision, state expectations of our trip and assume what it was going to be like. We hyped this trip up in our own minds and in those of our family and friends. Truth be told, we had no idea what this trip had in store for us. All we had were one-way boarding passes and a few emails.

It's been a month since we arrived in New Zealand and the trip has rendered itself amazing. Neither Carly nor I could have ever expected to see what we've seen, meet the people we've met, or learn what we have learned. There has been a surprise around every corner and we are having the time of our lives. The WWOOF scheme has proved itself (so far) to be an extraordinary method of travel so long as you don't mind getting your hands dirty and your feet wet. Feeling at home with a host for about 10 days and then moving on to a new part of the country is a great pace. Coming to NZ simply was the right choice.

There are many reasons why we decided to take on this adventure: to stray from the norm, to cut loose, to change pace, to witness first-hand the beauty of New Zealand and to experience new things.  One month into the trip and I can say that we've achieved all of those things, but I can pinpoint an underlying theme that the average "vacation" doesn't necessarily provide: learning about the foods we consume and the effects of our consumption on the community and environment. I think I can call this our mission statement.  From the kiwifruit orchard to the vineyard to the food forest, Carly and I are focusing heavily on what it takes to put food into our bellies.  The time spent at our first host's permaculture domain taught us about how we can continue to feed ourselves while reducing the effects on the environment.  We feel enlightened and will be bringing many lessons back home ready for practice!

We hope that you've enjoyed the pictures on Facebook and the blog posts thus far.  Internet is quite limited in New Zealand so we're not always able to upload photos - but we'll do the best we can.  As of right now we have hosts scheduled through the beginning of December.  At that point we'll be at Celtic Organic Winery at the south of the North Island, near the nation's capital Wellington.  We hope to settle and make a little $$$ through the holiday season before crossing over to the South Island.  Nothing is certain, of course, and we're ready for anything.  All we can do is live in the moment.

But we sure do miss you.

1 comment:

  1. dad and I are enjoying your blog and are very happy the two of you are having a wonderful journey. Stay well love you both.
